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Controllers are client side module scripts.

Writing Controllers

Like modules controllers also have the Init and Start functions.


local MyController = Axis.CreateController {
Name = "MyController";

function MyController:Init()

function MyController:Start()

return MyController

Make sure to optimize the Init function to run as quickly as possible. Anything that doesn’t need to happen before other modules can use your module should be deferred to the Start function.

Since all Init functions need to complete before any Start functions are called, avoid using blocking or yielding operations in Init, as they can significantly delay the startup process.


The Controller's :Start() and :Init() functions are "removed" once Axis is booted. So calling the Start or Init functions will error!

Adding controllers to Axis

Like with modules you should have your controllers in a single folder to easily add it to Axis. Just like modules they need to be added before you call Axis:Boot().

Axis:AddControllersDeep(script.Parent.Controllers) -- Axis:AddControllersDeep(Path to controllers folder)

For other options of adding controllers to Axis see the API here.